Digital Creativity for Developing
Digital Maturity Future Skills

DC4DM project aims to implement, apply, and disseminate within a European network of HEIs, SMEs and Startups, Business Incubators, a human-centered educational model able to develop and empower digital creative abilities to strategically drive the application of future emerging digital technologies in any fields, achieving a Digital Maturity.
DC4DM –Digital Creativity for developing Digital Maturity future skills is a three-year project funded by ERASMUS+ Programme.
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Start: 01-09-2020 – End: 31-08-2023
DC4DM project includes numerous creative and educational activities with HE lecturers and students from design, engineering and business studies, tech-driven start-ups and SMEs to develop together educational material and an evolving community to reach digital maturity.
All DC4DM project activities respond to three main goals:
Implement and assess the DC4DM model
Definition of a theoretical model to put into action to design for real world challenges in a human-centred way.
- 15 projects with tech-driven startups and/or SMEs
- 3 student training activities involving around 135 students from design, engineering and business studies
Create cross functional innovative teaching methods
Definition of innovative teaching methods
and curricula to train future digital wise professionals able to drive
the digital evolution.
- 2 staff training activities involving roughly 30 HE lecturers
- Creation of the DC4DM Edu Box
Boost knowledge transfers from academia to industry and vice versa
Creation of a dynamic network where to disseminate the DC4DM model and build a culture of cross-functional knowledge sharing.
- 6 events with the participation and contribution by experts from industry
- Creation of a broad digitally mature community

Our consortium draws on leading design-educator-researchers from five European institutions providing useful type of expertise and competencies for the project, particularly from the field of design, IT and engineering, business management and entrepreneurship.